To my baby girl,

I can’t believe you’re ONE! To everyone else it’s just another day but to me it’s a flashback of all the special moments we went through this past year. We did it! I have never felt so much purpose in my life. Being your mom is truly the greatest gift of all. It’s definitely been an emotional rollercoaster but in the best way. I’ve never felt so many conflicting emotions all at once; joy, guilt, anxiousness, excitement, exhaustion, the list goes on.

Birthdays have always been so special to me but celebrating your first birthday is extra special and such an accomplishment. I’ve learned so much about myself and that little smile has made our days that much sweeter. The beginning was challenging since Blake had RSV the day you both met, but you made that challenging moment a beautiful one. Watching the bond grow between you and your brother over the last year is something indescribable. I can’t wait to watch your spunkiness unfold even more this upcoming year with Blake. He’s in trouble :) If anyone loves making you laugh, it’s your big brother.

Thank you for making me a girl mom. I’ve always dreamt of having a daughter and dressing her up with all the bows! I know you aren’t really into them as much anymore, but I will keep dressing you for as long as I can, bows and all! Thank you for being mine. You are my reason to be a better and more genuine person, to be real and present and not let life pass me by. You are forever my baby girl, and a piece of Heaven sent from above. Happy first birthday sweet girl! Here’s to many more years ahead!


Your Mom XO


Our Christmas Traditions


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