Embracing Chaos

I wish it was easier said than done. This has been my number one challenge I’ve currently faced in motherhood. Embracing the chaos, the good, the bad and the ugly. Coming from a sales background, I’ve always aimed for perfection. Well, as a mother we all know that’s not reality. The day-to-day grind as a mom is often overlooked. From being bogged down with a million tasks, trying to be super mom along with creating a happy home, it’s no walk in the park. Managing the chaos is something I’ve always wanted to somewhat master as a new mom of two. But how?

EMBRACE THE CHAOS. The minute I accepted my day may not go as planned was the day I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Life as a mom can be so unpredictable and full of uncertainty, but I’ve learned to accept it and not fight the challenges that may arise. I was the one who was standing in my own way and expecting too much. Kids crying, dog barking, puzzle pieces everywhere, trying to get the laundry done, on the brink of crying, it’s ok to feel like everything is out of control. You’re human and one person! Often stress, tension and anxiety can occur when you fight hard to change something you can’t. I found that rolling with the chaos and my response to the situation was key.

Let me paint a picture for you. Now that I’m a new mom of two, trying to balance it all has been challenging in more ways than one. I’ve always been a pretty disciplined person and thrive off of routine. I always like to follow a certain routine and schedule with my kids because let’s be honest kids thrive off of routine too. Most days I follow somewhat of a schedule, but if my kids sleep schedules, lunches, play groups, etc. get thrown off I get anxious and start getting in my head. Sounds so silly, but it would affect me in more ways than one. Did she not sleep through the night because I let her sleep 30 minutes longer? Did my son throw a tantrum because we weren’t outside long enough? The mom guilt is real. I’m here to tell you, it’s normal but accepting the day as it presents itself has helped me tremendously. I’ve accepted that if my daughter has a bad night or my son throws a tantrum at the park, to just roll with it and remember that it doesn’t mean you’re doing a bad job or that you’re a bad mom. It’s life and it’s better to roll with it than fight it. This goes along with not comparing your routines, schedules, you name it, to others and doing what works for you and your family. Just remember, comparison is the thief of joy. Repeat that several times. There is only one of you and as moms we know our children best. Accept the chaos, daily motherhood mess, and know that you’re doing a great job with whatever your day may present.

I will leave you with this. There is no right path. Just the one you’re on. The minute I started to embrace the chaos of mommy hood is when I began to start becoming more fulfilled. I’m so excited for this new chapter and thanks for hanging with me on this crazy journey of motherhood!


This too, shall pass.